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All Around Remodelers, Inc.
Harleysville, Pennsylvania, US

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Business details


887 Harleysville Pike  Harleysville , Pennsylvania, 19438

Open 24 hours

(215) 589-2215

unclaimed No Social Accounts Added

Review summary

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Alternative Phone:N/A

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Accepts Reservations no

Number of Employees20


Payment methodsCash, Check, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, PayPal, Visa

About Us

Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Contractors Montgomery County PA
With over 30 years of experience in Kitchen Remodeling and Bathroom Remodeling, All Around Remodelers, Inc. is your #1 source in both Montgomery County PA and Bucks County PA for quality and creative interior remodeling projects.
We take pride in our ability to build what our clients envision as their dream kitchens and baths. So, let us help you design and build the kitchen or bath of your dreams!

Our Services – What we do!
Kitchen Remodeling:
Transform your old, tired kitchen into the kitchen of your dreams utilizing All Around Remodelers, Inc. expertise in kitchen design & renovation.

Bathroom Remodeling:
We are a reputable bathroom remodeling company let us help you revamp your bathroom in unique and exciting ways.

Basement Remodeling:
Creating comfortable, well-balanced, and functional spaces involve the right kind of planning and detailing.

Window/Door Installations:
Window/door replacements are some of the most practical home improvement projects that homeowners can consider.

Interior and Exterior Painting
When you need paintwork done, it is essential to hire the services of proven and experienced painting professionals like All Around Remodelers, Inc. What sets us apart from regular painting contractors is that we are a home remodeling and renovation company.

Custom Trim, Crown Molding & Wainscoting Installations
Not only can the work be completed very quickly, but you will find that this simple home renovation project is very cost-effective as well. We at All Around Remodelers, Inc. are a leading company in this industry, providing high-quality home improvement and renovation solutions to clients across Montgomery County PA and Bucks County PA.

Residential Drywall Repairs and Replacement
Shoddy work can affect the overall texture and finish of the wall, which in turn can impact your wall paint or other finishes. All Around Remodelers, Inc. is a company with more than 33 years of industry experience? In this time, we have handled projects of every shape and size. On our team are expert designers and installers that work very closely with you and on your project, so you get a professional finished drywall in your home.

Plumbing Installation, Replacement and Repair Services
Plumbing issues can be extremely challenging to deal with, and in most cases, they arise without warning. In situations such as these, you need the services of licensed plumbing professionals like the ones at All Around Remodelers, Inc.

Let us help you redefine your kitchen or bath with the stunning beauty of natural granite countertop and natural wood cabinetry.

By combining the necessary elements with our inspirational designs, we can help you design a kitchen or Bath that is both highly functional yet comfortable for your family and friends.

With all of this experience comes a wealth of knowledge for traditional plumbing, heating and air conditioning sales and service so please call today and see how we may be able to help you.




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