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Excel Landscape Design
Sacramento, California, US

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9624 Kiefer Blvd # 2  Sacramento , California, 95827

(916) 366-6463

unclaimed No Social Accounts Added

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About Us

Welcome to Excel Landscape Design, Sacramento's premier landscaping experts with over 35 years of experience in transforming outdoor spaces into breathtaking landscapes. Since our inception, we have dedicated ourselves to delivering unparalleled service to our community, crafting personalized outdoor environments that thrive in Sacramento's unique climate. Our journey began more than three decades ago, rooted in a passion for connecting people with nature through beautifully designed, sustainable landscapes. Our extensive experience across the Sacramento area means we understand the land's character, climate challenges, and the potential of every space we work with. From lush residential gardens to functional commercial landscapes, our team brings a wealth of knowledge to every project. At Excel Landscape Design, we pride ourselves on our comprehensive approach to landscaping. Our services span from initial design to professional installation, ensuring that your outdoor space not only looks exceptional on completion but continues to flourish year after year. We specialize in creating landscapes that are not only visually stunning but also sustainable, reflecting our commitment to the well-being of our community. Our team of skilled designers work closely with you to bring your vision to life, integrating your personal style and functional needs with the natural beauty of Sacramento’s environment. Whether you're looking to create a serene backyard retreat, enhance your curb appeal, or revitalize a commercial property, Excel Landscape Design has the expertise to make your landscaping dreams a reality.




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