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Gayle Forman, MSW, LCSW


Mountain Lakes, New Jersey, US

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 Mountain Lakes , New Jersey, 07046

Open until 09:00 PMView More

(973) 586-4454

unclaimed No Social Accounts Added

Review summary

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Alternative Phone:N/A

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Accepts Reservations no

Number of EmployeesN/A


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About Us

I am an experienced psychotherapist and am very passionate about my work. I worked in an out patient setting at a local hospital for ten years, and gained enormous experience working with individuals, couples, and children. I work with people who have depression, anxiety, dissociative disorders, marital issues and have worked extensively with parents needing help with their children. I also work on communication skills, between partners, between couples, between parents and their children. I am seasoned in dealing with schools and helping parents advocate for accommodations for special needs children.
I use a variety of treatment modalities, choosing what is necessary and in the best interest of my clients. I feel that therapy is a partnership and the give and take between client and therapist is of the utmost importance. I am actively involved in discussions with my clients.
I am seasoned in working with Tourette Syndrome and have been involved with the association at various levels since 1980. I have done in-school workshops for faculty and parents. I have run parent workshops for families that are living with TS. Additionally, I have experience with Dissociative Disorders.




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