Kings Landscaping Nursery

We get the job done right

Chalfont, Pennsylvania, US

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1440, 84 Curley Mill Rd  Chalfont , Pennsylvania, 18914

Open until 05:00 PMView More

(215) 822-0907

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About Us

King's Landscaping Nursery first put out roots in 1965, when our owner and manager Ed King was still in high school. He established King's Landscape Nursery in the greater Northeast Philadelphia area as a lawn maintenance and landscape service company. The business saw its first expansion in 1968, when Ed invested in a two-story garage and a new dump truck. By 1970, the Northeast Philadelphia location was in dire need of expansion, and with no room for it, Ed had to look for a new home for his business.

It was thus that Ed found our current location; it was a beautiful tract of land with plenty of potential for expansion. He bought a 13-acre lot in the Chalfont area. In 1975, King's Landscape Nursery officially relocated and started to serve our local community. The company officially became a corporation in 1983 and had expanded its services to the 5-County Region of the Delaware Valley.

By 1985, business was booming and we needed to acquire more land. We purchased three and a half acres from our neighbor to accommodate our equipment, landscape supplies, and storage of our commercial tree sales. We then installed our first greenhouse in 1986 and today are up to a total of 14 greenhouses.

Our business was still flourishing, and once again we required additional land. In 1989, Ed signed a 10-acre lease agreement with another neighbor for establishing production fields. This was to accommodate the on-going demand for our quality plants.

In the 1990's, King's Landscaping Nursery saw many improvements. We installed additional greenhouses, upgraded our equipment, and built new buildings to hold our trucks, landscape supplies, and equipment. At the same time we expanded our services to include portions of the Lehigh Valley area.

In the past 6 years our nursery has grown to include additional irrigation ponds, expansions to the existing buildings, and improvements to the nursery's roadway network. We have also installed storage bins for our mulch, types of rocks, and salt in the past two years. Today, King's Landscape Nursery reliably and proudly serves both the Delaware and Lehigh Valley areas.




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