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Lake Savers
Richland, Michigan, US

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Nurseries & Gardening

 Richland , Michigan, 49083

Open until 08:00 PMView More

(800) 840-8744

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About Us

In 1999 my wife and I bought a small cottage on a nice 165 acre lake in Michigan. I grew up on a lake in Maine and I wanted to share that experience with our daughter.
When we purchased the property, the water was clear, the surface clean, and there was a nice gravel bottom off of our shoreline. Right around that time, Eurasian Water Milfoil invaded our lake. Within a season, the milfoil had taken over large sections of the lake.

Our Lake Association knew we had to take immediate action. We hired experts and did what we were told. We initiated an aggressive herbicide program for the lake. At first, the program was successful. We got the milfoil under control. We thought the problem was solved. We were wrong.
By 2003 my wife and I finally moved to the lake after restoring the cottage. We couldn’t wait to enjoy the lake. Unfortunately, on our daughter’s first swim in the lake, we discovered that our once nice gravel-bottom shoreline was now plagued by over a foot of black, smelly, greasy muck. Her bathing suit was so black after a few minutes in the water that my wife pulled her out and immediately took her up to the house for a bath. We had to throw her bathing suit away.
Needless to say, this was heart-wrenching. We had just spent lots of money purchasing this property and lots of time, effort and money rebuilding the cottage. After all of that, we couldn’t even go for a swim in the lake where just four years prior we had a clean gravel bottom and clear water. I started to project what the lake might look like in 5-10 years. I realized that our lake property might not be the legacy I had planned on passsing on to my children and their children. I had to do something about it.
I discovered that the invasive over-growth of milfoil and our well-intentioned herbicide program to control the problem was actually causing the rapid accumulation of organic muck and deteriorating water quality in our lake. My research led me to assemble the world’s most effective all-natural biotechnologies that stop, reverse, and repair nutrient overloading. Since 2004 when Lake Savers was born, we’ve restored over 40 lakes and reservoirs to optimum health.




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