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Lofty Property Management of San Diego
San Diego, California, US

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Business details

Property Management

7710 Balboa Ave. Suite 324B  San Diego , California, 92111

No Hours Of Operation listed

(619) 887-9999

unclaimed No Social Accounts Added

Review summary

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Alternative Phone:N/A

Fax Number:N/A

Contact Us N/A

Accepts Reservations no

Number of EmployeesN/A


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About Us

Lofty Property Management of San Diego is a team of specialists offering property owners the full range of property management services across San Diego. Our services include the full scope of property management: free rental analysis, property marketing and tenant screening, tenant communication, move-in and move-out management, management of leases and lease renewals, rent collection, property maintenance and investments, 24/7 emergency service, eviction management. Our experienced property managers use cutting-edge technology that makes it easier for you to stay informed, but not hands-on involved in the day-to-day matters. In all our years of serving the various parts of the San Diego area, like downtown, Encinitas, Pacific Beach, Ocean Beach, Point Loma, La Jolla, Del Mar, Solana Beach, and others, we have never had an eviction. We believe this is so because we advertise properties on various channels, paying much attention to tenant screening. When we find the right match, we give tenants detailed guidelines to make sure everything is communicated as expected. Finally, we make sure the rent is always collected on time. If you'd like us to help you grow or streamline your rental property, reach out to us, one of the best property management companies in San Diego and beyond, and book a free rental property analysis.




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