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Martin Construction Inc
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

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Business details


 Baton Rouge , Louisiana, 70817

(225) 921-9468

unclaimed No Social Accounts Added

Review summary

0 Review(s)


0 Review(s)

Alternative Phone:(225) 752-1577

Fax Number:N/A

Contact Us N/A

Accepts Reservations no

Number of EmployeesN/A

Payment methodsCheck, Invoice

About Us

Willie and Ryan (father and son) come from a family with a long history of residential building. Willie's dad built homes from mid-1950 to 1995 and he also has two brothers that are licensed builders.

Ryan became interested in residential building while attending college and working for his uncle in Covington, Louisiana during summer breaks. He ventured into several phases of the building process, remodeling, sheetrock, painting and wall paper hanging and gained his experience with hands on applications.

Willie and Ryan are dedicated to providing homes with a high standard of workmanship. We understand that people work hard for their money and they deserve a quality built home. Our job sites are visited every day during the construction phase to insure our sub-contractors are conforming to the high standard that we require.

Spec home designs are selected that will market to the largest number of potential buyers, whereas, custom homes are designed and tailored to meet the customer's personal preference. We work closely with the customer in designing a custom home to make sure they maximize the use of the square footage.

Willie and Ryan are both licensed builders and with their experience in the building industry, they are dedicated to providing quality workmanship and "more amenities for your dollar."

If the interest rate is low, it is a good time to build.

You get the latest building design under the current building code.

The latest energy efficient appliances are at your choosing.

Insulation has made major improvements, and you benefit with new construction.

Lighting is slowly moving to LED lighting and you can take advantage of some or all of these features.

You can customize your house to satisfy your individual desires.




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