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Pops Diabetes Care
Oak Park Heights, Minnesota, US

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Business details


5600 Memorial Ave N  Oak Park Heights , Minnesota, 55082

No Hours Of Operation listed

(800) 767-7268

unclaimed No Social Accounts Added

Review summary

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Alternative Phone:N/A

Fax Number:N/A

Contact Us N/A

Accepts Reservations no

Number of EmployeesN/A

Payment methodsN/A

About Us

Pops Diabetes Care was founded in May of 2013 by Lonny Stormo, Dan Davis, and Curt Christensen. The concept of Pops was created while Lonny and the co-founders were catching fish in the middle of a remote lake in Minnesota. While watching Dan reel in a large walleye while trying to check his blood sugar with a traditional testing kit, Lonny asked the group, “Why can’t I use my phone to check my blood sugar while I’m out fishing or jogging? This kit hasn’t changed in the 20 years I’ve been using it and only shows me one result at a time. It’s frustrating.” They hooked that idea and went back to the shop where they engineered a simple, all-in-one meter that connects wirelessly to an app on a phone – showing weekly and monthly trends at the touch of a button. Pops was founded with the intent of putting simple technology in people’s hands to enable them to Own Their Life®.




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