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Specialty Aesthetic Surgery
New York, New York, US

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Business details

Cosmetic Surgeons

925 Park Avenue  New York , New York, 10028

(212) 737-8700

unclaimed No Social Accounts Added

Review summary

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Alternative Phone:N/A

Fax Number:N/A

Contact Us N/A

Accepts Reservations no

Number of EmployeesN/A


Payment methodsN/A

About Us

Our mission is simple – to provide exceptional patient care that is personalized, compassionate and meets or exceeds our patient’s expectations.

We at S.A.S. aim to become the premier aesthetic surgery center by using our considerable sub-specialty expertise to provide superior outcomes.

Specialty Aesthetic Surgery is a unique, collaborative practice of sub-specialists who have many overlapping skills but work as a team to develop individualized treatment plans to give patients superior results in the safest manner.

We are dedicated to our patients by providing a complete educational experience that ensures each patient is fully informed and prepared throughout the process from consultation, surgery, post-operative care and beyond.

Our approach at S.A.S. is to implement the most modern, innovative, sub-specialized techniques to achieve the finest aesthetic, functional and emotional outcomes possible.

It is our hope that each of our patients knows that they are being treated as if they were a member of our family.

Using our core values of integrity, compassion and respect we strive to build life long doctor –patient relationships that result in our practice being known as the premier provider of patient-focused, specialty plastic surgery.




What People Are Saying about   Specialty Aesthetic Surgery


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