Tie Breakers - Winterville

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Winterville, North Carolina, US

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American (Traditional)

2582 Raildroad St  Winterville , North Carolina, 28590

Open until 09:00 PM

(252) 341-7728

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About Us

When you walk into Tiebreakers in Greenville or Winterville, the first thing you will notice is the environment. As you take in the scene, you’ll be surrounded by TVs showing different sports games everywhere, our fabulous wait staff, a great bar to sit and relax, and of course, the delicious food. And finally, you’ll see our customers, maybe playing pool in one corner, while others are chatting and laughing in another.

On the menu, we have so many options, it can be hard to choose what to eat. But we highly recommend any of the burgers, and chicken wings, and don’t forget the customer fav, mozzarella sticks.

So come in, sit back, and enjoy a meal, watching all the action around you. It is a great place to relax with family and friends to enjoy some good food and drinks.




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