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Conte's Deli

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311 NE 2ND AVE  DELRAY BEACH , Florida, 33444

Open until 07:00 PMView More

(561) 501-7399

unclaimed No Social Accounts Added

Review summary

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Alternative Phone:N/A

Fax Number:N/A

Contact UsPeter

Accepts Reservations no

Number of EmployeesN/A

Payment methodsN/A

About Us

"Robert Conte has arrived in Delray Beach"
World reknown chef and restaurateur brings his amazing
culinary skills to Delray Beaches Pineapple Grove.

As the owner of Ft. Lauderdale's once famous Regalo Restaurant, Bob has been serving South Florida for over 20 years. He came from Tavern on the Green in New York City and is the winner of many pretegious awards for culinary excellence. Mr.Conte and his partner and co-owner Marci Nordqvist have now entered and created a gourmet market with an intimate family atmosphere where people on the go like you can come and pick up your favorite deli sandwiches and daily prepared fresh foods for lunch, dinner and supper along with drinks of your choice including a delicious bottle of wine. Thus we free up time for other important things in your lives. Conte's is a place offering exquisite gourmet items other stores often do not carry, and with the help of our friends at Flora Foods we are guaranteed to have the best quality items that money can buy! As a repeat customer and member of the family you will be comfortable that Chef Tom's cooking is always magnificent.

We will offer catering for any occasion, large or small.
We will accept telephone and on-line orders.




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