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RailsCarma - Ruby on Rails Development Company
Dallas, Texas, US

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Business details

Business Consulting

3333 Lee Parkway, Ste 600  Dallas , Texas, 75219

(888) 394-0048

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Review summary

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Alternative Phone:N/A

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Number of EmployeesN/A

Payment methodsAmerican Express, Cash, Check, Cryptocurrency, Diner's Club, Discover, Invoice, Traveler's Check, Visa, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, PayPal, Android Pay, Venmo, Cashapp, Zelle

About Us

RailsCarma offers end-to-end Ruby on Rails development services. Every project we undertake receives careful attention of our experts from various fields such as Business Research, Business analysis, User interface design, User experience planning, User Interaction, Application architecture, Software Development, Security Control, Performance Tuning, Quality Control, Deployment, Round-the-clock Support and Maintenance. Our team of Ruby on Rails development experts range from PMs to developers who have several years of experience and have worked with enterprise class application on Ruby on Rails development platform. This equips RailsCarma to manage multiple projects irrespective of their scale with utmost precision across the customer expectations. On the development front, our Rails developers follow the latest trends in Ruby on Rails programming such as Test Driven Development, Pair Programming and Quality programs to ensure the code quality is excellent for high volume scalability. When Rails 3 was launched we were quick to adopt the same and upgrade the skill sets. Hence we are able to offer our customers with the latest features Rails framework has on offer. We have equal expertise in custom web application development and product development due to our varied participation in projects. RailsCarma has worked on projects spanning multiple industries such as HealthCare, Wellness, Accounting, Hosting & Datacenter, Retail, Ecommerce, ERP systems etc successfully in the past years.




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